Lil Amps Bent Rods Rockfish Tournament Sept 7 2024

Date:  September 7, 2024
Rain Date:  September 8, 2024
Rods in:  6:00 AM
Weigh-ins and after party at Red Eye's Dock Bar
Early Weigh-ins start at 2:00 PM with mandatory arrival at weigh-ins by 3:30 PM

Registration: $550.00 per boat with 4 anglers (+$100 per additional angler)
Registration Cut-Off:  August 24, 2024
Registration Includes:

  • Captain & 4 anglers (+$100 per additional angler)
  • Long-sleeve SPF tournament shirt for Captain
  • 1 swag bucket and admittance for Captain & 1 guest to the Captain’s Meeting Happy Hour at Red Eye’s Dock Bar on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 6pm.

For $50 extra, you can reserve a boat slip for the day at Safe Harbor Marina (20 available)


Rockfish Stringer Competition
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place
$375 for Tournament Purse / $175 for Not My Child Foundation

Live Tournament Purse Tally:  $3,375.00

Largest Rockfish Catch & Release

Brown Bag Competition sponsored by Crown Homes, MD

  • Heaviest Mackerel - $500.00 prize
  • Heaviest Blue or Channel Cat - $500.00 prize
  • Heaviest Blue Fish - $500.00 prize
  • Heaviest Puppy Drum - $500.00 prize
  • Heaviest White Perch - $500.00 prize

(prizes for Brown Bag Competition are set and do not depend on Boat Count)

All fish in the Brown Bag Categories must meet DNR requirements for length. Also, if one category is not caught the additional $500 will be applied equally to others in Brown Bag Class.

There will be an opportunity to sign-up for a Calcutta at the Captain’s Meeting (Calcutta not organized by Not My Child).

Register Online

2024 Rockfish Tournament - Registration
One shirt is included. Additional shirts can be ordered on a separate shirt order form.
Would you like to reserve a boat slip at Safe Harbor Marina for the day? ($50 extra will be added to your checkout))
(If you select yes, the $50 will be automatically added to your checkout do not need to add it on your own.)

Anglers (up to 4 included)

Additional anglers can be added on page 2 of this form. If you do not know all participants at this time, they can be added later.